Matthew Mann Minarik

Matthew Minarik

About Matthew Mann Minarik

Matthew Mann Minarik is a business development professional and leader with decades of experience. Matthew received his Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from the Ohio State University, later earning a degree as a Physician Assistant. Soon after, Matt earned his master’s of science in Education and Leadership from A.T. Still University and is now running two companies: Restora Health and Hi-Q group

Matthew has served in a variety of capacities over the course of his career. Originally, he joined his family business in the Direct Marketing field before branching out on his own to create a marketing agency. By leveraging his scientific background and industry experience, Matthew was able to develop comprehensive strategies that pushed the boundaries of existing direct marketing methodologies. The result was a notable uptick in leads and response rates. One example, is when he was hired as the direct marketing consultant to National City Bank in the 1990s where his marketing techniques generated over $2 Billion in deposits for the bank.

Matthew was able to further develop his acumen and make a name for himself through his work with IBM. As a marketer for IBM software group, he was able to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in opportunity and streamline existing strategies to boost revenue. For his efforts, Matt was voted IBM’s #1 Marketer for two years running and received the position of instructor for the Director Marketing Association’s class on direct mail integration.

Matthew Minarik has founded several successful companies during his time in the business development sector. As mentioned, Matt is the Senior Partner and Founder of Hi-Q group, a business growth consultancy that helps organizations across industries increase sales, revenue, and efficiencies while reducing operational costs. Hi-Q group specializes in consulting and marketing strategies and upholds core competencies such as artificial intelligence (AI), business communications, culture solidification, cyber security, data mining, information governance, lead generation, and privacy. Matthew is also the founder of Restora Health, a telehealth company providing telemedicine, vision, dental, and advocacy services to its members as well as Rx 4 Mental Health, a subsidiary of Restora Health a telehealth company focusing on mental health services.

Matthew has built a reputation as a leader who enjoys staying on the cutting-edge of his industries while bringing value to his organizations, partners, and clientele alike. His human-first approach on building Trust that he brings to business and penchant for refining strategies that maximize opportunities are acknowledged as reasons he has found success in marketing, consultancy, and healthcare.

Matthew — A One-Stop-Shop for Marketing Insights and More!

Matthew Minarik

Matthew Minarik realizes that information related to his areas of expertise such as marketing and telehealth are often safeguarded and not as accessible as they could be for the average person. That being said, he mentions that those who have experience with these specialties can act as resources for continuing important conversations, helping others explore key processes, and ultimately bringing innovation and advancement to their industries. The prime example of this is in his virtual mental health therapy program, Rx4MentalHealth, which he purposely made to be the nation’s most affordable and accessible therapy program in the nation because he knows that millions of Americans are suffering today just because they cannot afford therapy or are able to find a good therapist at all.

Matthew was created as a platform for Matt’s insights on a variety of topics such as:


Marketing resources that demystify the field’s processes, technologies, trends, etc. are extremely helpful for those who wish to learn more about strategies for maximizing impact, increasing revenue, and reaching target audiences. Through content that explores Matt’s insights on marketing and its impact, this site hopes to help readers make more informed decisions within the space and ultimately leverage strategies that will bring their businesses to the next level. Matt Minarik’s insights are keenly captured in his 5-Star book, ‘How to Generate Leads and Grow Your Business – Now.’ This book is available on Amazon.


As a professional who has experience in healthcare in both surgery and the Emergency Room and telehealth, Matthew Mann Minarik realizes just how ripe for opportunity the telehealth field is and the important role that it plays in improving access to healthcare for all. Telehealth content that draws from Matthew’s experience with Restora Health and Rx 4 Mental Health aim to shed light on key processes, information on telehealth’s many benefits, and more.


It can be very difficult for companies to identify problem areas and make necessary changes all on their own. This is why consultants are so important across industries and are commonly sought after to help businesses adapt to their ever-changing landscapes. If you have ever wondered about the work that goes into consultancy to empower businesses to grow, you have come to the right place! Through consultancy content that breaks down the ins and outs of the field, readers will learn the value that effective consulting strategies can bring to their organizations. The methodology Matt brings to the table is not mere opinion. Matt uses scientific methodology approach to find the answers. All elements are tested but all begin with the these 6 modes of attack. 1- Build Trust; 2- Passionately know your audience; 3 – Make an irresistible offer; 4 – Find the right vehicle to get the offer to the audience; 5 – Make sure the timing is right; 6 – Immediately follow-through. Because if you don’t follow-through, then all the previous work is wasted.

Matthew Mann Minarik

Business Development

Business development skills remain vital across industries. This is because they are infinitely transferable and can help professionals contextualize their efforts to bring sustainable results to their businesses, partners, clients, etc. Whether you are a new business development professional or an experienced one, content that delves into the space will provide in-depth insights that explore the space from multiple perspectives. Business growth and development is the best ROI you can get. Consider this, people are happy with an investment that brings in 10% growth each year. But with advertising, one can bring in 300% growth and keep it going!

High School Varsity Head Coach

Matt played Rugby for the Cleveland Rovers and for Northern Virginia. Matt then took that knowledge, along with his consulting and business experience and, along with seven others, started the high school rugby league in the Cleveland Ohio area. Matt started the nationally renowned St. Edward High School rugby team and was the head coach there. St. Edward High School rugby is the oldest continually running high school program in Ohio and one of the oldest in the nation. St. Edward High School in Lakewood, Ohio is one of the premier academic and athletic private Catholic boys’ high school in the nation.

Professional Insights

Matthew Mann Minarik has experience in a wide range of industries such as marketing, consulting, and telehealth, coaching, and acknowledges that professional insights from experienced leaders can be effective for helping others reach their goals. Future professional development insights inspired by Matt’s experiences hope to include information on topics such as growing networks, accessing additional learning opportunities, and showing a refined commitment to clients and collaborators.

Recent Industry News

News in the business development, marketing, consulting, and telehealth spaces are important to keep up with for a variety of reasons. Not only does following these developments empower professionals to adapt to trends and interesting industry changes, but it is also an excellent way to predict the future of their industry verticals. For recent industry news linked to Matthew Minarik’s spaces as well as his insights on the scope and impact of these developments, tune in to Matthew

Hobbies and Passions

Matt is a member of MENSA, the high-IQ society, and uses his talents and curious mind to continually seek out new and interesting avenues. Matt started playing the violin when he was in his 60’s and plays every day. Matt also has a passion for croquet, which he gained from his father, Paul Minarik. From that Matt formed the American Backyard Croquet Association ( Matt also has woodworking in his blood and three years ago Matt started making the nation’s only specialty and tough croquet mallets. Check them out at

Finally, Matt’s Catholic faith is strong with him and his family. Matt expresses his faith through the charitable fraternal organization, The Knights of Columbus, where they do community work. Such examples are donating to food pantries, volunteering for maintenance work at women’s shelters and homeless shelters, providing clothing for the poor and much more. Matt has been a Knight since 1997 and has risen up to the highest level in being a 4th Degree Knight.

Ghost Writer

Matt has written 3 books and published two on his own. Because of that, Matt is now a Ghost Writer for 3 authors. One is an ex-con and addict who has turned his life around. Another is a mom who lost a son to depression, and the last is about an MD, Ph.D. man who has over 200 patents and is arguably one of the most brilliant men alive today.

Interested in More Content Inspired by Matthew Minarik’s Insights?

In today’s day and age, people of all walks of life are on the lookout for resources that inspire them to develop new skills, refine their strategies, and reach their professional goals- and Matthew is here to help!

Want to learn more about consulting, marketing, telehealth, croquet or ghost writing, and more from resources that draw from Matthew Minarik’s insights? Check out this site for more informative content!